Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Learning knowledge and effective performance Essay

Learning knowledge and effective performance - Essay Example Investment is learning is made possible through training and development of individuals and it is quintessential to harness such strengths so that the employees could manifest their truest selves within the workplace settings. On the same token, it is also important that organizations give the employees a choosing policy so that they could opt for the courses which they think are essential for their future training and development needs. However some studies could be made mandatory so that all the employees make sure that they take it for their own betterment. Indeed the organizational regimes would benefit in the long run and this is an important consideration for the top management, who is always enacting policies to suit the needs of the employees at the workplace. This paper takes a keen look at the ways and means through which training and development has assisted the learning quotient; and the methods which are deemed as significant in such activities are also touched upon in m eticulous. As an HRD advisor, it would be my duty to properly align the training and development activities under those methods which bring out the best value. This value is measured through the application of training and development activities towards the employees. The long term benefits are envisaged and the same are manifested in a manner which is close to their tasks and processes that they undertake at the workplace. Learning has taken the front seat in most organizations because the top management understands its due role and thus gives the best possible mechanism for learning to develop within the workplace settings. Learning is deemed as essential as it outlines the strengths within the processes that are held under the aegis of training and development activities (Kraiger 2002). As an HRD advisor, it is of utmost concern to me that I lay the basis for properly attuning the salient aspects which work alongside the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Drugs Are Bad Essay Example for Free

Drugs Are Bad Essay It’s a common known fact that drugs are bad, but yet they are still used recreationally, especially among teenagers and young adults. Some of the most popular drugs used today are marijuana, ecstasy, tobacco, and alcohol. Marijuana has many nicknames. Weed, mary-jane, chronic, hash, etc. It is usually smoked, but can also be made with food or as tea. Scientists have learned a great deal about how THC acts in the brain to produce its many effects. When someone smokes marijuana, THC rapidly passes from the lungs into the bloodstream, which carries the chemical to the brain and other organs throughout the body. THC acts upon specific sites in the brain, called cannabinoid receptors, kicking off a series of cellular reactions that ultimately lead to the high that users experience when they smoke marijuana. Some brain areas have many cannabinoid receptors; others have few or none. The highest density of cannabinoid receptors are found in parts of the brain that influence pleasure, memory, thoughts, concentration, sensory and time perception, and coordinated movement. Users experience slower reaction times, extensive hunger, poor memory, and lack of motivation. In personal experiences, weed has had no worth-while positive outcome on people that I know have used it, especially regularly. Known users have been arrested, expelled from school, suffered with their grades, or made poor decisions. People have told me that the feeling of being high actually does not feel good at all, and that it makes them depressed or that they are being pulled downward. Consistent use of marijuana can lead to addiction, lung cancer, anxiety, depression, and dependence. Ecstasy is a drug that has stimulant and psychodelic properties. It is taken orally as a capsule or tablet. It is also known as X and MDMA. Short-term effects of taking the drug include feelings of mental stimulation, emotional warmth, enhanced sensory perception, and increased physical energy. Adverse health effects can include nausea, chills, sweating, teeth clenching, muscle cramping, and blurred vision. It is a rumor that exercising, or doing any other activity that would cause the body to heat up such as sex, would cause the body to overheat while on ecstasy and thus would result in death. Personally, I have seen some crazy things while people were on ecstasy. I have heard that taking a shower feels really good, but coming down from a high of mass endorphins is especially painful. A girl I know was coming down from the high so fast and so hard that she was banging her head on the cement in the parking lot because she was feeling so terrible. She then destroyed her phone by throwing it against the wall. Alcohol, although legal over a certain age, is still considered a drug. When a person drinks alcohol, the alcohol is absorbed by the stomach, enters the bloodstream, and goes to all the tissues. The effects of alcohol are dependent on a variety of factors, including a persons size, weight, age, and sex, as well as the amount of food consumed before drinking. The disinhibiting effect of alcohol is one of the main reasons it is used in so many social situations. Other effects of moderate alcohol intake include dizziness and talkativeness; the immediate effects of a larger amount of alcohol include slurred speech, disturbed sleep, nausea, and vomiting. Alcohol, even at low doses, significantly impairs the judgment and coordination required to drive a car safely. Low to moderate doses of alcohol can also increase the incidence of a variety of aggressive acts, including domestic violence and child abuse. Hangovers are another possible effect after large amounts of alcohol are consumed; a hangover consists of headache, nausea, thirst, dizziness, and fatigue. Some long term effects of alcohol are liver failure, addiction to alcohol or alcoholism, damage to the brain, damage to the fetus of a pregnant woman, and depression. There are ways to prevent severe hangovers. There is a saying that goes, â€Å"Beer before liquor, never sicker. Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear. † A hangover is a result of dehydration because of the effects of alcohol on a person’s system. Tobacco is another legal substance that is considered a drug. Tobacco is typically smoked but can also be chewed and absorbed by way of the gums. When a person smokes a cigarette, the body responds immediately to the chemical nicotine in the smoke. Nicotine causes a short-term increase in blood pressure, heart rate, and the flow of blood from the heart. It also causes the arteries to narrow. Carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen the blood can carry. This, combined with the effects produced by nicotine, creates an imbalance in the demand for oxygen by the cells and the amount of oxygen the blood is able to supply. This imbalance causes a tobacco high, and most of the times, light headedness. It is now well documented that smoking can cause chronic lung disease, heart disease, and stroke, as well as cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus, mouth, and bladder. In addition, smoking is known to contribute to cancer of the cervix, pancreas, and kidneys. Researchers have identified more than 40 chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer in humans and animals, some including things like rat poison. Smokeless tobacco and cigars also have deadly consequences, including lung, larynx, esophagus, and oral cancer. The harmful effects of smoking do not end with the smoker. Women who use tobacco during pregnancy are more likely to have adverse birth outcomes, including babies with low birth weight, which is linked with an increased risk of infant death and with a variety of infant health disorders. The health of nonsmokers is affected by environmental tobacco smoke, or second-hand smoke. Each year, exposure to second-hand smoke causes many people to die of cancer. The temporary feeling that these drugs give the user does not outweigh the consequences that come with the choice to use these things. Although alcohol and tobacco are legal over a certain age, it doesn’t mean that they aren’t harmful. They still do a lot of damage to the user’s body. Marijuana and ecstasy are illegal in the United States and yet are still widely and popularly used. The word drug carries a negative connotation for these reasons.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Russia vs. China: FDI Analysis for Energy Company Essay -- Social Risks

Introduction A company that is considering investing internationally has to evaluate some important factors that are crucial in choosing the right country. In order to choose the best decision a businessperson has to analyze economic, political, geographical and social factors before entering a new market. This paper will analyze two countries using a fictive sample of Energy Company based in US. This private company wants to enter to a new market in one of the BRIC countries located in Europe or Asia. The energy company wants to build ECO power plants (environmental friendly) and introduce a new concept of sustainable energy source to these two countries (Russia and China). Hydropower, Wind power and solar energy should be used to generate the electricity. The capital investment is quite high in order to build new power plants, but the goal of the company is to become a big competition for already existing companies in this industry. The major advantage of this energy company is that they produc e electricity for a fair price and do not pollute the environment. The company wants to build a chain of ECO power plants in one of these countries and expand to other markets outside the US. Social risks and benefits Russia and China are countries with large population. These states belong to BRIC group, which are countries with fast developing economy. Both are very attractive destinations for foreign direct investments that can benefit whole country. Despite of the prosperity a huge amount of the population live below the poverty line and lack basic needs or education. The average wages in these countries are very unstable because they vary from region to region. While average wages in China are rising those in Russia are ... .... The World Factbook. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Central Intelligence Agency (2013). The World Factbook. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Graham, E. M., Wada, E. (2001). Foreign Direct Investment in China: Effects on Growth and Economic Performance. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from Peterson Institute for International Economics website: The World Bank (2013). Doing Business in China - World Bank Group. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from The World Bank (2013). Doing Business in Russian Federation - World Bank Group. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from omies/Russia

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Cruesa, his first wife, is lost at Troy Essay

To analyse the character of Aeneas in comparison to the character of Odysseus we must first recognise that they have both been sent away from home, Aeneas by force after the sack of Troy and Odysseus to fight from the Greek side. To analyse them as leaders and â€Å"good men† we must look at their feats and their strengths as well as recognising their flaws as people and warriors. Both characters are extremely respected as heroes. Virgil presents us with the man that founded the greatest empire of all, the Roman Empire. Odysseus had the idea of the Trojan horse, without which the Greeks would not have won the war. Both are primarily good men who serve their countries well. I found though, that they do this in two very different ways. Odysseus’ nostos and Aeneas search for a new home. Scholars continue to disagree on whether or not Aeneas is presented as a good soldier, although the question itself is certainly far from black and white, complicated by the culturally relative nature of terms such as â€Å"conflict†and â€Å"courage†, as well as by the rather oblique definition that â€Å"good† itself holds. Odysseus respectively. I will argue that Aeneas meets the criteria set by neither model and that, ultimately, he is an emotionally unstable, morally dubious and even an incompetent military leader. However, the very fact that he is the protagonist needs to be stressed: his character is necessarily sympathetic, dynamic and intricate. My intention is not to assert that Aeneas is a villain or a coward; he is quite obviously neither of these things and such an interpretation of the Aeneid, a text rich and ambiguous in meaning, would be nothing short of reductive. And in this way he must, and does, have some positive, somewhat redeeming features. Virgil created in Aeneas a new type of Stoic hero, a point that is perhaps most evident in Book Four when Aeneas leaves Carthage. His speech to Dido is indicative of his determination to suffer both silently, Aeneas did not move his eyes and struggled to fight down the anguish in his heart. â€Å", (Book 4) and willing, â€Å"Do not go on causing distress to yourself and to me by these complaints. It is not by my own will that I still search for Italy. † (Book 4) Emotional restraint and acquiescence in regard to one’s own fortunes and torment is intrinsic to a Roman conception of a role model and leader. Equally, the presentation of Aeneas in Book Four can be seen to parallel that of Odysseus in Book Nineteen of the Odyssey, where the reader is told that, in spite of his wife’s tears, the hero’s â€Å"eyes were steady†. Aeneas, then, does conform to both the Roman and Homeric paradigms in his ability to endure the sufferings that Fate has allotted him. And yet his chief characteristic is not his endurance, as is the case with Odysseus, but rather his pietas, a quality essential for a Roman warrior. Time and time again in the Aeneid he is referred to as pious Aeneas, â€Å"famous for his devotion†(Book 6), so the Sibyl states. This devotion is threefold in that it is not only religious and extends to both his family and to his duty as â€Å"Father† of Rome. The latter of these has already been demonstrated by his separation from Dido, in which he subordinates his personal wishes in order to fulfil his destiny, while one can see the first two aspects of this pietas at work quite clearly in Book Five, in which the funeral games, â€Å"held in honour of the divine father of Aeneas†(Book 5), combine a celebration of the familial and of the holy. Like the â€Å"Father† figure that Aeneas, by fate takes on, Odysseus has great affection for his men. When he loses some of his men at Ismarus he tells us how they sailed on â€Å"with heavy hearts, grieving for the loss of our companions†. As well as this, when all the other ships are lost to the Laestragonians, he states, â€Å"We lay on the beach for two days and nights, utterly exhausted and eating our hearts out with grief†. Odysseus risks his life for them. In book 10 when the first half of his men are transformed into pigs by Circe, he goes alone to rescue them. He goes blind into this plan without any forward planning until Hermes helps him. He is so determined to help that he tells an interfering Eurylochus, â€Å"I shall go. I have absolutely no choice. â€Å". He never abandons his men. In Book 9 when his men eat the fruit of the Locus they lose all hope and want for home. Odysseus literally drags them and ties them to benches on the ship so that they cannot escape. In the cave of the Cyclops, after they have blinded the monster, Odysseus ties all of his men to the bellies of rams and they escape leaving him, he is alone and has nobody to tie him on. He does not care because he thinks about his men before he acts as does Aeneas. In this respect they are very similar except Aeneas makes more mistakes than Odysseus does and loses his wife. As a father figure, like Aeneas, Odysseus is very well respected by his men. Near the Cyclops the men divide the goats between the ships. They give nine to all of the ships and ten to Odysseus’ alone as a sign of their respect for him as their leader. Yet this pietas, as much as it appears to pervade Virgil’s characterisation of the leader, might be called into question. Aeneas, on frequent occasions, seems reluctant to implement himself and also uncertain as to the rewards it offers. In Book Five the poet externalises Aeneas’ thoughts as he wonders â€Å"whether he should forget about his destiny and settle in the fields of Sicily† (Book 5), and throughout the first half of the poem he needs to be constantly prompted to continue in his search for his homeland: by his wife’s shade in Book Two, his father’s shade in Book Five, and twice by Mercury in Book Four. Mercury wasted no time, â€Å"So now you are laying foundations for the high towers of Carthage and building a splendid city to please your wife? Have you entirely forgotten your own kingdom and your own destiny? † (Book 4). These temptations are presented to Odysseus throughout â€Å"The Odyssey† but he does not give into temptation whereas Aeneas marries Dido, falls in love with her. Odysseus has a very strict work ethic, which clearly shows his devotion to Ithaca. He is offered immortality by Nymph Calypso if he just stayed with her, but instead the first image that the reader is given of him is knelt on a beach crying for his homeland. He is tempted again by the witch Circe. Odysseus has the weakness of enjoying women. He stayed with Circe for one year before his men reminded him of home. He also stayed with Calypso for seven years. Although we must take into though that there were reasons why he had to stay with her. Even through these periods of extreme temptation and immensely beautiful women, Odysseus wants to return home. He is driven by the goddess Athene but she is not the true reason for his passionate longing for Ithaca. Aeneas is different. He no longing to go home, he has no home. He does long for his promised citadel but is also a cell for the gods to create a new Empire. Venus’ intervention is what points Aeneas towards leaving Dido who he tells, â€Å"I left you against my will† (Book 6). Aeneas seems rather less than devoted to his duty at this moment. He is shown to be quite contented in Carthage and it seems unlikely that he would have left its â€Å"sweet† shores under his own volition. Dido is Aeneas first serious test, and he seems to give way without a struggle (Book 4), and one may see the character here as close to the antithesis of Odysseus who, in his pig-headed determination to return to Ithaca, even rejects Calypso’s offer of immortality. Indeed, Aeneas, â€Å"whose sword was studded with yellow stars of jaspers† (Book 4) is a picture of decadence. Nor is devotion to duty the only aspect of his pietas that can be found wanting, and as much as Aeneas appears to be a truly devoted son it should be noted that he repeatedly fails to protect his family. When one considers those personages in the poem that could be seen as intimate with Aeneas it must be realised that virtually none survive. Cruesa, his first wife, is lost at Troy; Dido, debatably his second, commits suicide and Anchises, his father, dies in the port at Drepanum.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Intercultural Business – Drug Tests in India

Case Study Intercultural Business im Studiengang B. A. International Management Thema: Drug tests in India IContents IContentsII IIList of figuresIII IIIList of abbreviationsIV 1Essential moral standards and norms1 2The practical value of economic ethics concepts3 3The RADAR concept5 4Business activity in India8 5Comparison of the cultures9 6Preperation for the NGO meeting14 IV. BibliographyV Declaration IIList of figures Figure 1:Overview of the different business ethics concepts3 Figure 2:Points of the RADAR concept5 Figure 3:Comparison of the differen cultural dimensions9 ?IVList of abbreviations BVVB AGBacteria and Virus Vaccine Biotechnology CRE Ltd. Clinical Researche Enterprise Limited NGONon-Governmental Organisation WMAWorld Medical Association PDIPower Distance IDVIndividualism vs. Collectivism MASMasculinity vs. Femininity UAIUncertainty Avoidance LTOLong-Term Orientation CfConfer ? 1Essential moral standards and norms â€Å"Humans are more moral than they think and far m ore immoral than they can imag-ine. † Sigmund Freud In general moral standards and norms are always based on a culture. Every culture has got its own definition of morality and ethics.Morality can be defined as the standards that an individual or group has got about what is right and wrong, or good and evil. The pharma industry itself includes some essential moral standards and norms on na-tional and international base. First it is necessary to prove moral standards and norms on a global level. The â€Å"Declara-tion of Helsinki† developed by the World Medical Association (WMA) is: â€Å"a statement of ethical principles for medical research involving human subjects, including research on identifiable human material and data. Furthermore this declaration gives essential moral standards and norms according to the pharmaceutical branch, e. g. â€Å"In medical research involving human subjects, the well-being of the individual research subject must take precedence over a ll other interests. † The second part is the national moral standards. In Germany the ethical standards refer to the principle: â€Å"The health is the highest property of a human being. † These standards are set by statue from the â€Å"Zentrale Ethikkommission†. Furthermore German companies always have to obey the German law.The American ethical standards are saying the same in the â€Å"Declaration of Professional Responsibility: Medicine's Social Contract with Humanity. † from the American Medical Association, e. g. â€Å"Respect human life and the dignity of every individual† The focused standards above exist also in India. They are formed by the Indian Council of medical research. All standards point out what the ultimate principle of medical researches is. : All medical tests shall focus on health and care of every human being. â€Å"Act as if the maxim of your action were to become through your will a universal law of nature. Immanuel Kant by Serafini (1989) The definition of moral standards and norms above should be based on deontological ethics. It says that the background and the consequences or effects that an action takes is irrelevant – only the action itself matters. Roughly speaking, deontologists hold that some choices cannot be justified by their effects, no matter how morally good their con-sequences are. Therefore some choices are morally forbidden. But in reference to the drug tests the moral standards are based on the teleological theo-ry.The teleology is characterized primarily by a focus on the consequences which any action might have. That means if an action (drug tests) might be incorrect, but the con-sequence (effective medicine) is correct and helpful, then it is morally correct. Today we are encouraged to act on the base of different ethical frameworks before we are able to make a clear decision about the ethical correctness of our intended actions. The codes of conduct, which are the ethic al guidelines are based on those frameworks. 2The practical value of economic ethics conceptsThe following discussion deals with the four different economic ethics concepts and their practical values. They are defining how to combine ethics and profit in different ways and with their consequences. Figure 1 The different business ethics concepts Firstly there is the functional business ethics concept. If a company act in agreement with certain known rules and under specific ethical conditions it is allowed to gain the maximum profit. â€Å"Ethic† is a â€Å"factor or rentability† or a â€Å"critical factor of success†.That means: The â€Å"investment† in â€Å"ethics† in terms of acceptance of current opportunity costs has its foundation in the strategic aim to save long-term profit chances. This concept is not used by the BVVB AG, because they are not acting under specific ethical conditions. The second concept to focus is the corrective Business e thics concept which implements ethical standards into the daily business. That means companies are acting in their nor-mal economic way but ethics standards always have the priority over profit gaining ac-tions.It is a voluntarily self-limitation of profit maximisation. For the BVVB AG only the profit gaining process matters. The integrative Business ethic is the permanent process of critical reflexion of business activities. Every possible profit and business success should get the legitimisation of all stakeholders. The consequence is that the company might have to abdicate a profit chance. The action of the BVVB AG shows that they are not acting in reference to what the stakeholders defining as the best way. The last concept is the charitable Business ethic concept.The priority is to gain the maximum profit and afterwards the company starts to donate a part of the money for charitable aims. The morality of a business action does not matter anyway. Due to the descriptions of the d ifferent concepts it is clear that the BVVB AG should act based on the charitable business ethics concept. In the current situation it is the highest priority to gain profit and to be successful (=gain the maximum profit). But after having success the BVVB AG should use a part of the gained money to serve non-economical claims.The practical value of the concept is the possibility to define an eth-ical business aim and the commitment to act in a moral and ethical way. 3RADAR concept The RADAR concept serves to take a decision with the comprehension of ethics. In consideration of ethics in the factoring process it could be more difficult to find an easy solution but it might be more suitable for both parties. In the following paragraph the steps 1 to 10 of the RADAR concept, as seen in the fol-lowing image, will be analysed and discussed. Figure 2: Structure and Points of the RADAR conceptRecognize Step 1 Determine if there is an ethical component The component is the drug tests in In dia. The accomplishment of these tests is not un-morally – it is important – but the way the tests will be carried out is morally questiona-ble. The BVVB AG could hold the tests in Europe or the USA but due to finical prob-lems and the necessity of the reduction of costs the tests will be done in a financially weak area in an Indian hospital. Furthermore the BVVB AG does not know if the health of the patient will be always protected. Step 2Check the ethicalness of the ethical omponent against ethical standards For my own values the conditions under which the tests are carried out are not morally and direct against my ethical values. For the BVVB AG it depends on two points. On the one hand India is the cheapest choice for the realization of the test process and on the other hand the company is not acting illegal but the aim is to develop a new effective medicine against illnesses and to test the agent, subjects are needed. On the basis of the Global Business Standard C odex (GBSC) it is absolutely unmorally.The codex considers the point â€Å"Human Dignity†, which requires the protection of hu-man health and the respect of fundamental human rights. Step 3Conclusion In consideration of the mentioned aspects above the implementation of the tests in India is not illegal but they fulfil not the ethical and moral standards. Assess Step 4Who are the key stakeholders? The main stakeholders of the BVVB AG and the new vaccine are primary the internal stakeholders, especially the managers and employees. Because of the financial situation the members of the BVVB AG are reliant on the success of the tests.The external stakeholders are the subjects, without their help the tests cannot be carried out. Step5What ethical standards apply? The CRE Ltd. and the BVVB AG carry responsibility to inform the respondent about the possible side effects and the probability of their appearance. Furthermore the com-pany is responsible to take care about the state of th e subjects’ health. In turn of these duties the subjects have the right to be treated with fairness and dignity. Step 6 How is the proposed action likely to impact them from an e. g. economic and ethical view?The positive long- and short-term effects are that the habitants from India, especially the majority of people from slums, have never had contact to medical treatments or a simple medical examination. For the people who are part of the tests it could lead to the healing of diseases. Contrariwise there also exist some negative effects in a short-term period – the side ef-fects. The subjects could get negative side effects from the vaccine. But the laboratory has figured out medical therapies to heal the serious side effects either by a special treatment or through hospital stay.Step 7See if there is a specification and quantification of the positive and negative con-sequences which could result from the intended action. The performing of the tests in India could re sult in bad or negative reputation. Too much bad reputation could result in a damage of the company’s image and could end up in the loss of clients and creditors. This would indicate that the BVVB AG takes a financial risk. Step 8What could be done to reduce the likelihood of or at least reduce the negative impact? Due to the necessity of the tests the company has to ensure the reduction of negative reports.To avoid them the only way is to guarantee better circumstances of the tests and the security and wellbeing of the subjects. Furthermore the company could assure that India receives some medicine for free to help infected people after a successful conclu-sion of the test series. Decide Step 9 Take a decision The BVVB AG in connection to the CRE Ltd. has to carry out the tests in India, be-cause of the financial situation. To some people it may create the impression of being â€Å"bad† but the real aim something positive one. The vaccine could help millions of people and also Indians.To reduce the negative aspects the tests have to be carried out under better conditions, considering a higher care for the subjects’ health. Step 10 Correct for self-serving biases If I am asked if I want to read about that in the newspaper I would say â€Å"Yes† because reaching better conditions and to ensure the responsible manners with the tests and the well-being of the persons is positive and could have an effect on the image and make other companies to think about their actions. ? 4Business activity in India This paragraph defines some essential facts about cultural conventions in India.To have success on business in India, in my opinion, the first priority is to be familiar with the cultural conventions because the opinion about business differs a lot between Indians and Europeans. The distinctions may lead to misapprehensions. To be accepted and to show respect it is necessary to learn some basic modes of behaviour and funda-mental cultural d ifferences. It could be helpful to learn some basic phrases of the Indian language for having a small-talk but it is not that important to speak perfectly because the Indians speak over 500 dialects e. . people from the north often talks to someone from the south in English. Furthermore it is good to know that Indians never say â€Å"No† because it is impolite to negate something. It is common to say â€Å"I will try it†. Generally it is important to keep in mind that a personal and polite contact between people from every age is ensured. Indians set a high value on trustworthiness. The first contact could be a handshake but it is common to give a friendly nod. Shaking the head does not mean â€Å"No† it is a gesture of attentive listening.Also the way of dressing is important. Women may never show skin, like naked legs or shoulders. Men are allowed to wear shorter clothes if it is hot outside but it has to be suitable for business. Indians are very hospitable. It is common to get or to make an invitation for dinner. Due to the different persuasion there are some different rule for preparation and consump-tion. But it exists a general rule: â€Å"Peel it, boil it, or forget it. † ? 5Comparison of the cultures The following paragraph deals with the different cultures of Germany, India and USA.The distinctions between the different nations and cultures will be discussed and ex-plained with the help and use of the cultural dimensions of Geert Hofstede. Professor Geert Hofstede conducted one of the most comprehensive studies of how values in the workplace are influenced by culture. Figure 3: The different cultural dimensions in comparison of their characteristics source: geert-hofstede. com The 1st dimension – The Power Distance (PDI) Power distance is defined as: â€Å"The degree to which the less powerful members of a so-ciety accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The undamental issue here is how a society han dles inequalities among people. People in societies exhibiting a large degree of power distance accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further justification. In societies with low power distance, people strive to equalize the distribution of power and demand justification for inequalities of power. † The comparison of the cultures in the diagram shows that there is a high difference be-tween the USA, Germany and India. The low score of Germany (35) and the USA (40) in this dimension shows clearly the general proposition of â€Å"liberty and justice for all†.It is common that both managers and employees expect to be engaged and information is shared frequently. Also both cul-tures have in common that the communication style is direct, informal and participative. Furthermore in both cultures there is no strict hierarchical order established. But in India on the contrary there is a relatively high power distance (77). The hierarchical structure is hard in organizations as well as in society. Also the real power of managers and control is high and accepted. The communication style differs totally from the western and European style.Someone would never be criticized if there is a 3rd person in the room and the communication is top – down. In contrast to Germany and the USA, where also an employee may criticize a manager, in India an employee would never give negative feedback to someone who is up the ladder 2nd dimension – Individualism versus Collectivism (IDV) Individualism, the high side of this dimension, can be defined as: â€Å"A preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of them-selves and their immediate families only. And collectivism, the low side of this dimension, can be defined as: â€Å"A representation of a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in -group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. † A society's position on this dimension is reflected in whether people’s self-image is de-fined in terms of â€Å"I† or â€Å"we. † As seen in the 5-D-Modell, all three countries and their cultures have different levels of this dimension. The USA, with a score of 91 is highly individualistic.That means it is common that people in general first look and take care for themselves and their families. The Ameri-cans are mostly doing business with strangers and employees are expected to be self-consistent. Germany scored 67 – truly individualistic. In comparison to the USA the bigger family means a lot to the Germans, especially the parent-children relationship. Loyalty, duty and responsibility are common. In business it is common to give someone an advice if there was a mistake to give him the chance to learn from it – â€Å"Be honest, even if it hurts†.In contrast to Germany and the USA India is clear collectivistic with a score of 48. To Indians it means a lot what the social framework is thinking about an action and they are asking for advice. Also in business everything starts with a personal relationship, especially hiring and promotion. 3rd dimension – Masculinity versus femininity (MAS) This dimension is defined as: â€Å"The masculinity side of this dimension represents a pref-erence in society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material reward for suc-cess. Society at large is more competitive.Its opposite, femininity, stands for a prefer-ence for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life. Society at large is more consensus-oriented. â€Å" The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine). All three cultures are considered a â€Å"masculine† society (scores 56 – 66). Children learn from the early times on that performance is highly valued and the people â€Å"live in order to work†. It is also relevant to be authorial, assertive and decisive. Their behavior stands under the conditions â€Å"strive to be the best they can be. and worldwide known sentence: â€Å"the winner takes it all! † All cultures love to show their success through material objects. For Indians â€Å"work is the center of life† and the workplace serves as symbol of success. 4th dimension – The Uncertainty avoidance (UAI) The uncertainty avoidance dimension expresses: â€Å"The degree to which the members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity. The fundamental issue here is how a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should we try to control the future or just let it happen?Countries exhibiting strong UAI maintain rigid codes of belief and behavior and are intolerant of unorthodox behavior and ideas. Weak UAI societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which practice counts more than prin-ciples. † Concerning the Uncertainty avoidance the cultures have differences. Americans accept new ideas and innovations. They are more tolerant of ideas or opinions from anyone and allow the freedom of expression. Indians also have a lower preference for avoiding un-certainty. They have a high acceptance of imperfection and do not follow strict rules.Indians say: â€Å"nothing is impossible†, as long as one knows how to â€Å"adjust†. In comparison Germany scored high (65) and they follow deductive methods. For Germans it is important to have a plan. Every action has to be systematically and de-tailed planned. Germans prefer to compensate for their higher uncertainty by strongly relying on expertise. 5th dimension – Long-term orientation (LTO) â€Å"The long-term orientation dimension can be interpreted as dealing with society’s search for virtue. Societies with a short-term orientation generally have a strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth.They are normative in their thinking. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the future, and a focus on achieving quick results. In societies with a long-term orientation, people believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and time. They show an ability to adapt traditions to changed conditions, a strong propensity to save and invest thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results. † America and Germany have a relatively low score in this dimension. That means they are more short-term oriented.In business people strive for quick results and a strong concern with establishing the truth. The Indians in contras have a long-term orientation, time and punctuality does not matter and they never follow the exact plan, if there is a plan existing. ? 6Preperation for the NGO meeting â€Å"Morality is temporary, wisdom is permanent. † Hunter S. Thompson For the meeting wi th the NGO? s in India it is necessary to know what they are criticiz-ing on the project. They are criticising that the BVVB AG is exploiting the Indian popu-lation due to the tests in India.The need of that meeting is to convince the members of the NGO about the necessity and benevolence of these tests. It is obvious that the BVVB AG in cooperation with the CRE Ltd. is doing the tests in India in order to eco-nomic and financial reasons. But due to the extensive economies it could also be beneficial for India, especially if the BVVB AG decides to act on the charitable business concept. The non-attendance of tick-bourne in India does not matter for testing the medicine. The danger to contract an infection is small and there is also existing medicine and plans how to heal the people in case of an infection.Furthermore it is of a high importance to know everything about the negative media reports. To convince the NGO about the tests it would be helpful to adjust with the BVVB AG manag ement if it could be possible to donate a certain contingent of the profit and also to donate a certain percentage of the vaccine to India to combat the leprosy virus. Furthermore it could be helpful to assure that the CRE Ltd. will care for good circum-stances. The subjects will get a good treatment and the welfare will be ensured.Due to the fact that Panjaa is a Non-Governmental-Organization it would be not effec-tive trying to bribe the organization with money. It would be more effectively to show them the good sides of the tests for the Indian nation. ? 1. Bibliography Literature FREUD, Sigmund (1930), â€Å"Civilisations and its Discontents† KANT, Immanuel, â€Å"Good Will, Duty, and the Categorical Imperative,† ed. Anthony Serafini, Ethics and Social Concern (1989) (New York: Paragon House Publishers) LIPPER RASMUSSEN, Kaspar (2005) „Deontology, Responsibility and Equalityâ€Å" SALZMANN, Todd A. 1995), „Deontology and Teleologyâ€Å" ULRICH, Peter (2008), „Integrative Business Ethics: Foundation of a Civilized Market Econo-my† ULRICH, Peter (1997), â€Å"Integrative Wirtschaftsethik – Grundlagen einer lebensdienlichen Okonomie† Web research Homepage from the World Medical Association: â€Å"The Declaration of Helsinki†. URL: www. wma. net/en/30publications/10policies/b3/ (last downloaded 09. 11. 12) Homepage from the Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle fur die Arzneimittelindustrie e. V. , „Verhal-tenskodexâ€Å", URL: http://www. fs-arzneimittelindustrie. e/verhaltenskodex/ivd/ (last downloaded 14/11/2012) Statement from the Arbeitskreis Medizinischer Ethik-Kommission, „Stellungnahme zum Vor-schlag fur eine Verordnung des Europaischen Parlaments und des Rates uber klinische Pru-fungen mit Humanarzneimitteln und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 2001/20/EGâ€Å" URL: http://www. ak-med-ethik-komm. de/documents/StellungnahmeEUVerordnungklinischePruefungen. pdf (last down-loaded14/11/2012) Homp age from the American Medical Association, „Declaration of Professional Responsibil-ity†, URL: http://www. ama-assn. rg/ama/pub/physician-resources/medical-ethics/declaration-professional-responsibility. page? (last downloaded 14/11/2012) Homepage from the Zentrale Ethikkommission bei der Bundesarztekammer, „Prioritaten in der medizinischen Versorgung im System der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV): Mussen und konnen wir uns entscheiden? â€Å" (2000), URL: http://www. zentrale-ethikkommission. de/page. asp? his=0. 1. 24 (last downloaded 14/11/2012) Published paper by the Indian Council of Medical Research, â€Å"Ethical Guidelines for biomedi-cal research on human participants†, (2006), URL: http://icmr. ic. in/ethical_guidelines. pdf (last downloaded 14/11/2012) Homepage from Handelsblatt, FRANK, Sergey „Die indische Kultur besser verstehenâ€Å", (2009) URL: www. handelsblatt. com/unternehmen/management/strategie/weltspitze-die-indische-kultu r-besser-verstehen/3304528. html (last downloaded 10. 11. 2012) Homepage from Geert Hofstede, URL: geert-hofstede. com (last downloaded 12/11/2012) http://www. goodreads. com/quotes/178430-morality-is-temporary-wisdom-is-permanent (last downloaded 12/11/2012)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Conjugate Rêver (to Dream) in French

How to Conjugate Rà ªver (to Dream) in French When you want to say she is dreaming or we dreamed in French, youll use the verb  rà ªver. Its a simple word to commit to memory, though youll also need to know its conjugations in order to place it into the present or past tense. A quick lesson will introduce you to the essential forms of  rà ªver  youll need. The Basic Conjugations of  Rà ªver Rà ªver is a regular -er verb, which means that its among the easiest French verb conjugations youll find. This group contains the majority of the languages verbs and applies the same endings to each verb stem. That makes each new word you study just a little easier than the previous one. The stem (or radical) of  rà ªver  is  rà ªv-. Knowing that, you can then use the chart to learn which ending needs to be applied to fit both the subject pronoun and the tense of your sentence. As an example,  je rà ªve  means I am dreaming and  nous rà ªverons  means we will dream. Present Future Imperfect je rve rverai rvais tu rves rveras rvais il rve rvera rvait nous rvons rverons rvions vous rvez rverez rviez ils rvent rveront rvaient The Present Participle of  Rà ªver Like all regular verbs, rà ªvers  present participle  is formed with an -ant  ending. This produces the word  rà ªvant, which may also become a noun or adjective in some situations. Rà ªver  in the Compound Past Tense The  passà © composà ©Ã‚  is a common compound past tense that uses the  past participle  rà ªvà ©Ã‚  to indicate that the act of dreaming has already happened. To form it, you will also need the  auxiliary verb avoir, which needs to be conjugated into the subjects present tense. This will result in short phrases such as  jai rà ªvà ©Ã‚  for I dreamt and  nous avons rà ªvà ©Ã‚  for we dreamt. More Simple Conjugations of  Rà ªver Among the other simple conjugations youll want to memorize for rà ªver are the subjunctive and the conditional. The former says the dreaming may or may not happen while the latter says its dependent on something else. If you do much reading or writing in French,  the passà © simple  and  the imperfect subjunctive  are definitely good to know. These are formal literary tenses that youll want to at least be able to recognize. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je rve rverais rvai rvasse tu rves rverais rvas rvasses il rve rverait rva rvt nous rvions rverions rvmes rvassions vous rviez rveriez rvtes rvassiez ils rvent rveraient rvrent rvassent The French imperative  is where all formality is dropped because its for quick and direct expressions. You also get to drop the subject pronoun when using it. Instead of  tu rà ªve, you can simplify it to  rà ªve. Imperative (tu) rve (nous) rvons (vous) rvez

Monday, October 21, 2019

Understanding Finance Essay Example

Understanding Finance Essay Example Understanding Finance Essay Understanding Finance Essay Finance is the allocation of assets and liabilities over time under conditions of certainty and uncertainty. A key point in finance is the time value of money, which states that a unit of currency today is worth more than the same unit of currency tomorrow. Finance aims to price assets based on their risk level, and expected rate of return. Finance can be broken into three different sub categories: public finance, corporate finance and personal finance. Contents [hide] 1 Areas of finance 1. 1 Personal finance 1. 2 Corporate finance 1. 2. 1 Financial services 1. 3 Public finance 2 Capital 3 Financial theory . 1 Financial economics 3. 2 Financial mathematics 3. 3 Experimental finance 3. 4 Behavioral finance 3. 5 Intangible asset finance 4 Professional qualifications 5 See also 6 References 7 External links Areas of finance[edit] Wall Street, the center of American finance. Personal finance[edit] Main article: Personal finance Questions in personal finance revolve around Protection against unforeseen personal events, as well as events in the wider economy Transference of family across generations (bequests and inheritance) Effects of tax policies (tax subsidies and/or penalties) on management of personal inances Effects of credit on individual financial standing Planning a secure financial future in an environment of economic instability Personal finance may involve paying for education, financing durable goods such as real estate and cars, buying insurance, e. . health and property insurance, investing and saving for retirement. Personal Tlnance may also Involve paylng Tor a loan, or aeot ODIlgatlons. I ne SIX Key areas of personal financial planning, as suggested by the Financial Planning Standards Board, are:[l] Financial position: is concerned with understanding the personal resources available y examining net worth and household cash flow. Net wort h is a persons balance sheet, calculated by adding up all assets under that persons control, minus all liabilities of the household, at one point in time. Household cash flow totals up all the expected sources of income within a year, minus all expected expenses within the same year. From this analysis, the financial planner can determine to what degree and in what time the personal goals can be accomplished. Adequate protection: the analysis of how to protect a household from unforeseen risks. These risks can be ivided into liability, property, death, disability, health and long term care. Some of these risks may be self-insurable, while most will require the purchase of an insurance contract. Determining how much insurance to get, at the most cost effective terms requires knowledge of the market for personal insurance. Business owners, professionals, athletes and entertainers require specialized insurance professionals to adequately protect themselves. Since insurance also enjoys some tax benefits, utilizing insurance investment products may be a critical piece of the overall nvestment planning. Tax planning: typically the income tax is the single largest expense in a household. Managing taxes is not a question of if you will pay taxes, but when and how much. Government gives many incentives in the form of tax deductions and credits, which can be used to reduce the lifetime tax burden. Most modern governments use a progressive tax. Typically, as ones income grows, a higher marginal rate of tax must be paid. [citation needed] Understanding how to take advantage of the myriad tax breaks when planning ones personal finances can make a significant impact. Investment and accumulation goals: planning how to accumulate enough money for large purchases and life events is what most people consider to be financial planning. Major reasons to accumulate assets include, purchasing a house or car, starting a business, paying for education expenses, and saving for retirement. Achieving these goals requires projecting what they will cost, and when you need to withdraw funds. A major risk to the household in achieving their accumulation goal is the rate of price increases over time, or inflation. Using net present value calculators, the financial planner will suggest a ombination of asset earmarking and regular savings to be invested in a variety of investments. In order to overcome the rate of inflation, the investment portfolio has to get a higher rate of return, which typically will subject the portfolio to a number of risks. Managing these portfolio risks is most often accomplished using asset allocation, which seeks to diversify investment risk and opportunity. This asset allocation will prescribe a percentage allocation to be invested in stocks, bonds, cash and alternative investments. The allocation should also take into consideration the ersonal risk profile of every investor, since risk attitudes vary from person to person. Retirement planning is the process of understanding how much it costs to live at retirement, and coming up with a plan to distribute assets to meet any income shortfall. Methods for retirement plan include taking advantage of government allowed structures to manage tax llaOlllty Including: Inalvlaual (IRA) structures, or employer sponsored retirement plans. Estate planning involves planning for the disposition of ones assets after death. Typically, there is a tax due to the state or federal government at ones death. Avoiding these taxes means that more of ones assets will be distributed to ones heirs. One can leave ones assets to family, friends or charitable groups. Corporate finance[edit] Main article: Corporate finance Corporate finance is the area of finance dealing with the sources of funding and the capital structure of corporations and the actions that managers take to increase the value of the firm to the shareholders, as well as the tools and analysis used to allocate financial resources. Although it is in principle different from managerial finance which studies the financial management of all firms, rather than corporations lone, the main concepts in the study of corporate finance are applicable to the financial problems of all kinds of firms. Corporate finance generally involves balancing risk and profitability, while attempting to maximize an entitys wealth and the value of its stock, and generically entails three primary areas of capital resource allocation. In the first, capital budgeting, management must choose which projects (if any) to undertake. The discipline of capital budgeting may employ standard business valuation techniques or even extend to real options valuation; see Financial modeling. The second, sources of capital relates to how these investments are to be funded: investment capital can be provided through different sources, such as by shareholders, in the form of equity (privately or via an initial public offering), creditors, often in the form of bonds, and the firms operations (cash flow). Short-term funding or working capital is mostly provided by banks extending a line of credit. The balance between these elements forms the companys capital structure. The third, the dividend policy, requires management to determine whether any unappropriated profit (excess cash) is to be retained for future investment / perational requirements, or instead to be distributed to shareholders, and if so in what form. Short term financial management is often termed working capital management, and relates to cash-, inventory- and debtors management. Corporate finance also includes within its scope business valuation, stock investing, or investment management. An investment is an acquisition of an asset in the hope that it will maintain or increase its value over time. In investment management in choosing a portfolio one has to use financial analysis to determine what, how much and when to invest. To do this, a company must: Identify relevant objectives and constraints: institution or individual goals, time horizon, risk aversion and tax considerations; Identify the appropriate strategy: active versus passive hedging strategy Measure the portfolio performance Financial management overlaps with the financial function of the Accounting profession. However, financial accounting is the reporting of historical financial information, while financial management is concerned with the allocation of capital resources to increase a firms value to the shareholders. Hnanclal rlsK management, an element 0T corporate Tlnance, Is tne practlce 0T reating and protecting economic value in a firm by using financial instruments to manage exposure to risk, particularly credit risk and market risk. (Other risk types include Foreign exchange, Shape, Volatility, Sector, liquidity, Inflation risks, etc. It focuses on when and how to hedge using financial instruments; in this sense it overlaps with financial engineering. Similar to general risk management, financial risk management requires identifying its sources, measuring it (see: Risk measure: Well known risk measures), and formulating plans to address these, and can be qualitative nd quantitative. In the banking sector worldwide, the Basel Accords are generally adopted by internationally active b anks for tracking, reporting and exposing operational, credit and market risks. Financial services[edit] Main article: Financial services An entity whose income exceeds its expenditure can lend or invest the excess income. Though on the other hand, an entity whose income is less than its expenditure can raise capital by borrowing or selling equity claims, decreasing its expenses, or increasing its income. The lender can find a borrower, a financial ntermediary such as a bank, or buy notes or bonds in the bond market. The lender receives interest, the borrower pays a higher interest than the lender receives, and the financial intermediary earns the difference for arranging the loan. A bank aggregates the activities of many borrowers and lenders. A bank accepts deposits from lenders, on which it pays interest. The bank then lends these deposits to borrowers. Banks allow borrowers and lenders, of different sizes, to coordinate their activity. Finance is used by individuals (personal finance), by governments (public finance), by usinesses (corporate finance) and by a wide variety of other organizations, including schools and non-profit organizations. In general, the goals of each of the above activities are achieved through the use of appropriate financial instruments and methodologies, with consideration to their institutional setting. Finance is one of the most important aspects of business management and includes analysis related to the use and acquisition of funds for the enterprise. In corporate finance, a companys capital structure is the total mix of financing methods it uses to raise funds. One method is debt financing, which includes bank loans and bond sales. Another method is equity financing the sale of stock by a company to investors, the original shareholders of a share. Ownership of a share gives the shareholder certain contractual rights and powers, which typically include the right to receive declared dividends and to vote the proxy on important matters (e. g. , board elections). The owners of both bonds and stock, may be institutional investors financial institutions such as investment banks and pension funds or private individuals, called private investors or retail investors.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Teaching at Private versus Public Schools

Teaching at Private versus Public Schools Teaching jobs fall in both the public and private sectors. Deciding where to concentrate a job search raises questions for a lot of new teachers. Though similarities exist between public and private schools, several factors affect the overall teaching experience and deserve your consideration before you accept a position. Student Base in a  Private vs. Public School The law requires public schools to admit all students, without discrimination. Taxes fund public schools, but different districts receive different levels of funding, affecting the available resources in a classroom, among other things. Private schools charge tuition and typically use a selective admissions process. The price of attendance often becomes a factor in determining the socio-economic makeup of the student body, although some private schools offer scholarships to students with demonstrated financial need. Because of limited funds and a lack of mandates, teachers encounter fewer special needs students in private schools than in public schools, so if you specialized in special education, you might not find many available positions in the private sector. Government Oversight and Curriculum The government wields less power over the day-to-day administration of private schools since they do not receive tax dollars. In public schools, state mandates largely determine the subjects offered; private schools maintain much greater leeway in the curriculum standards they use. Further, public schools must use state-mandated standardized tests to measure learning while private schools can choose to use these or their own tests. Some private schools provide religious instruction along with academics and may be closely aligned with a church, synagogue, mosque or other religious institution. While public schools can teach students about religion in a civic or historical context, its against the law for public school educators to teach the tenets of any one religion. Teacher Education Public schools require  certain credentials for teachers including certification and specific degrees. Private schools have much greater leeway. Therefore, teachers in private schools may not have certifications or specific degrees to teach in their subject areas. Class Size and Student Discipline States try to keep class size down, but overcrowded schools  and a lack of teachers and funding make it difficult in many districts. Private schools often promote their small class sizes as an advantage over public schools. Further, because of a greater amount of parental involvement and more leeway when dealing with classroom discipline, private schools teachers find it easier to remove disruptive students from classes and the school itself. It takes a pretty serious offense to get a student permanently removed from the public school system. Pay A private school teacher can find many pros and cons, but pay may be the biggest negative.   Private school teachers  generally earn less than their public school counterparts, with teachers at parochial schools at the lowest end of the salary range.  Teacher salaries  at private schools come  out of student tuition. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, private school teachers on average earn $10,000 – $15,000 less than a comparable public school teacher.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Organizational Structure and Decision-Making Hierarchy Case Study - 17

Organizational Structure and Decision-Making Hierarchy - Case Study Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that a  formal structure would limit the abilities of employees to make immediate decisions. Apart from the owners, the two part-time employees also need to be in a position to make decisions as and when required. Since the business is consumer-oriented, delays may be having a negative impact on the company. Also, the two owners still do not have well-defined roles and responsibilities, hence it does not support a formal organizational structure. Therefore, it is best to have an informal organizational structure to start with.  Alex and Pat must adopt a vertical decision-making hierarchy in their coffee shop. The part-time employees will still have the ability to make immediate decisions at the basic level. The topmost authority with respect to strategy must be Alex because he spends more time in the shop. This means that he will have better knowledge about ground realities than Pat does and also will not have any extra responsibilities. Pat on the other hand also works at the advertising firm and has extra tasks and responsibilities to fulfill. Therefore, the two part-time employees will report to Alex. Even though Pat will play an equal role in strategy making the final say will remain with Alex as he is better equipped to make the decisions. This situation can remain until Pat is able to dedicate his full time to the coffee shop.

The Impact of Stereotypical Gender Roles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Impact of Stereotypical Gender Roles - Essay Example Susan Glaspell’s ‘Trifles’ shows how women have utilized the concept regarding their traditional position in the society to their advantage. While the men disregard the discussion of women as unimportant, the two women, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discover the mystery of the murder, which the sheriff and Mr. Hale come to investigate. They are looking for evidence against Mrs. Wright, the farmer’s wife suspected of killing her husband. The women in course of their search discover some strong evidence against the wife of the farmer but at the same time, their empathy for the woman who was strongly dominated and psychologically tormented by her husband gets the better of their honesty. The two men initially laugh as they find the women pondering over the actions of Mrs. Wright and Mr. Hale comments with ridicule, â€Å"They wonder if she was going to quilt it or just knot it† (Glaspell) and both men laugh. However at the end of the play when the women fin ally discover that Mrs. Wright was actually going to ‘knot it’ they keep it hidden from the men very carefully. The farmer dies of a rope around his neck. Here the missing links of the case are the motive and some strong evidence. The women find the motive, but before the men enter the room they quickly hide the evidence (a parrot, Mrs. Wright’s favorite, killed in the same manner as the farmer) and talk as if nothing important has been found. The men who were already taking the women’s abilities very lightly do not suspect anything mysterious. Not necessarily through words, but via gestures, and mainly through silence, they keep the most important thing hidden from their husbands, especially that which would have helped them in their work. The main problem, however, lay with the underestimation of the women in the men’

Friday, October 18, 2019

Development in Accounting and Corporate reporting Essay

Development in Accounting and Corporate reporting - Essay Example This paper examines these developments and other issues that may have impacted in the development of accounting. It is important to understand the historical background of any subject such as accounting. Understanding accounting background and how it has developed is essential in understanding the past, and leads to a better understanding of the present practices. Understanding the historical background of accounting discipline, trends and practices that could have led to its current status facilitates better understanding of the profession. It is only through evaluation of the historical developments of the subject that people may appreciate accounting as it is today and its significance in the society, in organizations or other areas of application. Moreover, understanding the historical background enhances a better understanding of the objectives of the accounting theory and what the subject intended to achieve. In other words, a problem is better solved by understanding the objectives at the initial stages of a process. Furthermore, understanding the historical background of the subject al lows people to delve deep into understanding social, economic and political events and the significance of the subject in shaping these issues. For instance, as the article illustrates, there is a debate on whether accounting was a social construction, based on how accounting influences the society. Considering that there lacks a universal understanding of the accounting theory, the theory may be best understood by investigating the use of data, which people relate to accounting practices. Understanding such practices and how they relate to use of accounting data will lead to credible links on what accounting theory might mean, and how it has evolved over time to what it is today, as well as its impact on the social, economic and political

Psychology2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Psychology2 - Essay Example Humans also commit direct aggression in situations where circumstances are dangerous , thus, aggression can be used as a defense. Most common manifestation of aggression employed by humans are passive ones such as indifference, silence, ignoring, refusal to perform a task, or even spreading malicious gossip. Usually, people who express indirect aggression play subordinate roles such as children, lower rank employees, or someone who does not have any authority whether in a formal or informal setting. For example, young people who resent parental authority become indifferent and ignore their parents when communicating with them. They often stay inside their rooms and pretend to be busy or sleeping. However, once confronted, these young people talk back and say insulting words to their parents. In a societal level, groups who disapprove of a certain person or another group usually spread malicious rumors that damage character or reputation. Thus, the gossip becomes a tool of social control. Consequently, verbal confrontations result to direct, physical aggression. 2. There are many reasons why a person behaves aggressively. Manifestation of aggression is commonly seen in young people. One of the common factor as explained in a study is that a group of people need to perform roles that are expected of them by the society. The research argued that : A concrete example of this would be street gangs who try to make an impression to the community or society. Pressure from gang members to prove one’s loyalty can result to displaying aggression in public. As a group, gang members gain reputation by showing direct verbal aggression in the form of insult that would provoke other groups to retaliate. Consequently, the aggression becomes more physical and leads to violent behavior resulting to injury or even death. Another form of direct physical aggression

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System Research Paper

Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System - Research Paper Example Among other innovations, such as the Anaconda graphical installer and the firewall configuration tool Lokkit, Red Hat is an established name in the open source operating system market space. This may be due, in part, to its appealing graphical interface for users and the accessibility of its programmer interface, which is intelligently presented. By reviewing this interface, as well as some advantages and disadvantages of the operating system, why exactly Red Hat is a respected name in Linux circles may become clearer. Red Hat is ostensibly based on the design principles of simplicity, robustness, and security (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2007). Simplicity refers to simple abstractions and simple components, which leads to faster and more efficient use of hardware resources. Red Hat exemplifies this characteristic by focusing on a simple desktop for users to customize. Robustness refers to the ability of a system to resist failure after the addition of a new feature or component. When a system is multiprogramming, it is ideal if the system does not fail because it cannot adequately distribute resources to handle the increased load. Red Hat, because it has been developed and re-released over nine versions, is incredibly robust in handling large memory loads. Lastly, Red Hat is based on a secure design, which means Red Hat has extended Linux’s reputation as a secure environment, primarily by buffering overflows integrated in the standard software stack, smartcard authentication support, and SELinux security. The Red Hat Linux desktop consists of GNOME and KDE, which offer a wide range of features. The KDE desktop for Red Hat (in Figure 1), features a main menu icon at the lower left, which is a red hat. The desktop includes a number of files and folders, depending on what software is installed on the user’s computer. KDE is very similar to the standard Microsoft Windows format for the central desktop, particularly in how the standard option places the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, with a main menu button at the lower left, and desktop icons arranged vertically along the left side of the desktop. KDE uses a file management and web browser called Konqueror, which is a standard setting in Red Hat installations. Lastly, the KDE Control Center window allows for additional customization of the operating system for the user. In contrast, the GNOME desktop for Red Hat Linux (in Figure 2) is slightly different from KDE (McCarty, 2004). The principal dissimilarity is GNOME’s use of Nautilus, which like Konqueror, is the default file manager and browser. Another notable difference is GNOME’s use of a drawer, which is a clickable icon that leads to links to other launchers. GNOME also features a â€Å"Start Here† facility that allows for other kinds of configurations, including changes to peripheral devices, default applications, themes, GNOME’s appearance, and so on. A Red Hat Linux user is given a choice between the KDE and GNOME desktop interfaces. Beyond the basics of Red Hat’s desktop and user interface, however, one finds a rich array of tools for a programmer to manipulate and control his or her machine. The Unix shell in Red Hat, like an MS-DOS window, allows the user to execute commands. Again, beyond the desktop and point-and-click interface, the Linux shell is actually more sophisticated. The major elements of the programmer interface

Fulfilling the promise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Fulfilling the promise - Essay Example eve through various ways, and I will strongly agree to the fact that America has made a wide progress towards achieving â€Å"The Promise of America Life†. â€Å"Organized labor had never been more powerful than at the end of World War II. Cold War page 798† â€Å"A knowledge of history is, in addition, a means of strength. (John F. Kennedy paragraph 7, line 1), we realize that this led to the increment of in the number of women workforce in 1953 as well as the increment of job opportunity. During this period, America improved their civil and voting rights. American democracy was reshaped thrusting the federal government more deeply into economic and social life. America experienced the Atomic Age as well as the communist period, thus the country tried to fight against the communist in the state. â€Å"During the social, political, and military crisis of the 1960s, Americans had largely taken the economy for granted. Living with Less (page 880).† This was all brought by failing of businesses, government and economists, multinational giant strategies combined to weaken the foundation prosperity. â€Å"†¦.United states began as an underdeveloped nation which seized its independence by carrying out a successful revolution†¦ (John F. Kennedy paragraph 6 line 3).† The shortage oil spread well beyond gas stations, truck drivers blockaded highways to protest the high cost of fuels and low speed limits, and this challenged the state and thus contributed to the realization of, The Promise of America Life. â€Å"There is little that is more important for an American citizen to know than the history and traditions of his country† (John F. Kennedy paragraph 1 line 1). The Cold War marked the age of globalization, as the state established regional relations to various countries worldwide and contributed to the development of new communication technologies which sped up the global flow of news, ideas and money through the development of communication satellites. It also saw the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System Research Paper

Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System - Research Paper Example Among other innovations, such as the Anaconda graphical installer and the firewall configuration tool Lokkit, Red Hat is an established name in the open source operating system market space. This may be due, in part, to its appealing graphical interface for users and the accessibility of its programmer interface, which is intelligently presented. By reviewing this interface, as well as some advantages and disadvantages of the operating system, why exactly Red Hat is a respected name in Linux circles may become clearer. Red Hat is ostensibly based on the design principles of simplicity, robustness, and security (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2007). Simplicity refers to simple abstractions and simple components, which leads to faster and more efficient use of hardware resources. Red Hat exemplifies this characteristic by focusing on a simple desktop for users to customize. Robustness refers to the ability of a system to resist failure after the addition of a new feature or component. When a system is multiprogramming, it is ideal if the system does not fail because it cannot adequately distribute resources to handle the increased load. Red Hat, because it has been developed and re-released over nine versions, is incredibly robust in handling large memory loads. Lastly, Red Hat is based on a secure design, which means Red Hat has extended Linux’s reputation as a secure environment, primarily by buffering overflows integrated in the standard software stack, smartcard authentication support, and SELinux security. The Red Hat Linux desktop consists of GNOME and KDE, which offer a wide range of features. The KDE desktop for Red Hat (in Figure 1), features a main menu icon at the lower left, which is a red hat. The desktop includes a number of files and folders, depending on what software is installed on the user’s computer. KDE is very similar to the standard Microsoft Windows format for the central desktop, particularly in how the standard option places the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, with a main menu button at the lower left, and desktop icons arranged vertically along the left side of the desktop. KDE uses a file management and web browser called Konqueror, which is a standard setting in Red Hat installations. Lastly, the KDE Control Center window allows for additional customization of the operating system for the user. In contrast, the GNOME desktop for Red Hat Linux (in Figure 2) is slightly different from KDE (McCarty, 2004). The principal dissimilarity is GNOME’s use of Nautilus, which like Konqueror, is the default file manager and browser. Another notable difference is GNOME’s use of a drawer, which is a clickable icon that leads to links to other launchers. GNOME also features a â€Å"Start Here† facility that allows for other kinds of configurations, including changes to peripheral devices, default applications, themes, GNOME’s appearance, and so on. A Red Hat Linux user is given a choice between the KDE and GNOME desktop interfaces. Beyond the basics of Red Hat’s desktop and user interface, however, one finds a rich array of tools for a programmer to manipulate and control his or her machine. The Unix shell in Red Hat, like an MS-DOS window, allows the user to execute commands. Again, beyond the desktop and point-and-click interface, the Linux shell is actually more sophisticated. The major elements of the programmer interface

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Economic Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Economic Growth - Essay Example However, the United States still displays the highest growth rate in this period as shown in the left panel of Figure 2. The rest of the world also displayed increasing growth rate, but at a much slower pace than the seven biggest economies which resulted to a wider gap between the real GDP per person among these countries as shown in the right panel of Figure 2. The rest of Asia, on the other hand, as represented by Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan South Korea, and China also showed tremendous gains in their economies as shown by their real GDP per person growth depicted in Figure 3. China, the world's newest economic superpower, showed an exponential growth in its real GDP. A question, prompted by the above, is what are the underlying causes of economic growth' Furthermore, why is it that some countries grow faster than others' Is trade a major engine of economic growth' Or is it foreign direct investments' A major goal of this paper is to debate the effectiveness foreign direct investments and trade in fostering economic growth, and in the end answer the question on whether 'developing countries are right to increasingly shift resources towards attracting foreign direct investment rather than promoting trade in their objective to achieve economic growth'' Admittedly, these questions must be answered amidst ... The shift in economic policies is often on the reallocation of economic resources to finance activities geared toward attracting foreign direct investments rather than the other needs of those nations. Figure 3 Economic Growth in Asia Source: See Figure 2 Economic theories postulate that, for economic growth to be persistent economies must pursue three activities - these activities generate ongoing economic growth: saving and investment in new capital, investment in human capital, and discovery of new technologies. From these three activities emerged different economic growth theories, however, these theories are not the topic of this reading, but rather foreign direct investments and trade. International trade promotes the development of comparative advantage in the global economy, allows for the trade of similar goods - for example, United States imports automobiles and at the same time exports other types of automobiles, the diversity of taste of people is given an outlet, and economies of scale is enhanced. Trade has a very important role in promoting and sustaining long term economic growth that foreign direct investment doesn't (Kurgman and Obsfeld; Marrewijk, Ottens and Schueller). Nonetheless, the role of foreign direct investment in the development process can not be underscored either. Hence, developing countries had shifted a considerable amount of their resources into attracting foreign direct investments or FDIs. For example, in the Sub-Saharan Africa, governments have shifted policies to attract FDIs. Fiscal holidays and tax holidays are awarded generously to investors. Moreover, investors often require that the country improve its property rights in favor of the FDI and improve

Monday, October 14, 2019

Interpretation and delivery of language Essay Example for Free

Interpretation and delivery of language Essay I am writing to congratulate you upon being chosen to play the part of Richard in our forthcoming production of Richard III. This letter is a guide for you for how I would like the part of Richard to be acted. This shall be primarily based upon two key scenes in the play, which are Act 1 Scene I (opening scene) and Act 5 Scene VII (eve of battle scene). This guide covers 3 main aspects of playing the part of Richard. These are: Your interaction with other characters, your interpretation and delivery of speech within the play and your physical representation of Richard. The reason why these two scenes have been concentrated on is because they occur at key moments within the play and at opposite ends as well. Not only do they appear at opposite ends of the play but they also occur when Richardss confidence is at opposite ends of the emotional spectrum. This enables us to see Richard from multiple perspectives and it shows us his multi-faceted mental and emotional states. As I am sure you are aware, Richard is portrayed as an Evil and conscience free king as well as being physically deformed. Although elements of this are based upon the truth, it is appreciated that Shakespeare made many of these descriptions up. Due to limited other historical reference this is how Richard is portrayed nowadays. Shakespeares reasons for, perhaps, making up these facts are to please the Queen at his time, who was Queen Elizabeth I. This would please her because it was her grandfather, Henry Tudor (later Henry VII (Richmond in the play)), who became King after Richard III was killed in battle. Obviously this made Richmond and Richard enemies, so portraying Richard as both evil and deformed would put Queen Elizabeth and her ancestry in better light. Richardss evil is very evident from his very first speech (a soliloquy) in the first scene of Act 1. This solo speech to the audience sets the tone for the nature of Richardss evil worlds and actions throughout the rest of the play. This supreme malignity is evident in the quote that I will shortly send thy soul to heaven, when referring to his Brother Clarence who he has sworn to save from imprisonment. This is remorseless in its extreme form considering that he has pledged to his brother to have him released form the Tower, which Clarence believes, but in truth he is going to have him killed. This means you must portray an immense feeling of evil and remorselessness to the audience. This could be done by snarling and almost spitting when speaking of what you plan to have done as well as making angular and jerky motions rather than smooth rounded ones. However Richardss evil is often matched by his intelligence and an example of this is in the quote To set my brother Clarence and the king in deadly hate, the one against the other. This shows how he is manipulative and again you must get the audience to believe this about you as well as making them in awe of your intelligence and scheming. It is obvious that Richard is aware of his intelligence, so portray this to the audience with a swagger and self confidence of a man who knows of his large capabilities. A lot of the reasons behind Richardss hatred for all things jovial is due to his physical deformities and his hatred of his own appearance. He knows of his own deformities, obvious in the line Nor made to court and amorous looking glass. He does however use this to focus himself on his intentions. An example of this is apparent in the line And therefore, since I cannot prove a loveri am determined to prove a villain. These abnormalities should, at first, appear to displease you and annoy you; however within in an instant this should be changed to relief when he realises that his peculiarity can work in his advantage making him focused and more determined to achieve his goals. To make these deformities appear powerfully they must be exaggerated to let the audience know, although his abnormalities are making him more focussed, that they are still a physical weakness and therefore a hindrance. This can be achieved by appearing dependant on a cane that you shall be carrying. This is to give the impression that physically you are dependant upon other people or objects. This will also provide opportunities for people to attack you and taunt your disabilities, such as the cane could be kicked from beneath you and you could use it to regain your feet, again showing physical dependency. The focus that has stemmed from these disabilities must be showed prominently also. Richards focus is clear in the quote For then Ill marry Warwicks youngest daughter. This shows us what lengths he is willing to go to get and then keep the crown in his family after his death. His efficiency and preparation must be extravagant to give the audience reason to believe Richards apparent relief that his deformities can focus him on success. This means also that, regardless of the situation, you appear in control and assured, particularly in the earlier scenes of the play. From this scene where Richard is efficient, assured and organised, we move onto the other key scene. This is the eve of battle scene where both Richard and, his enemy, Richmond are preparing themselves and their army for battle. The scene starts with a quote from Richard saying Why, out battalia trebles that account; besides the Kings name is a Tower of strength. I for one believe that this act of confidence is one where the speaker, in this case Richard has very little faith in his comment so I would appreciate you saying this line with a distinct lack of conviction in your own remark. It seems to me also that with this comment he is not only trying to convince those listening of his armys strength, but he is also convincing himself. His apparent lack of confidence is than compounded by the appearance of the ghosts. There are many quotes from the ghosts to Richard. A typical example of this would be And fall thy edgeless sword; despair and die! which was said by the ghost of Clarence. These quotes must appear to affect you now as perhaps they wouldnt have done in the earlier scenes. These effects include paranoia and further dents to your confidence which can be acted by adjusting your posture and body language. Then when he awakes from this dream he is convinced he has awaken from battle. Evidence of this is in the line Give me another Horse! Bind up my wounds and following this he begins to question his conscience for the first time which is present in the quote O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me. This shows us that he is no longer invulnerable and that the atrocities he has committed are beginning to take effect on him.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Evaluation Of Strengths And Weaknesses Education Essay

Evaluation Of Strengths And Weaknesses Education Essay Everyone has special qualities about themselves that give them their individuality. These qualities can be dissected into specific qualities called strengths and weaknesses. To grow as a person, we have to identify our own strengths to help us overcome our weaknesses. Understanding the learning types and behaviors of each makes me more aware of how I should pattern myself to learn more effectively, and not punish myself for thinking one way of learning would be better than another. I will discuss my personal strengths and weaknesses and explain how I plan to overcome my weaknesses in my personal and professional life. My strengths have always allowed me to be successful in everything I have attempted in my life. EVALUATION OF STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES Life is a never ending learning experience. One of the most important lessons we can ever learn from comes from within. As we go through life, it is important that we learn who we are, and have the ability to identify and grow from our own personal strength and weaknesses. Knowing what we are good at and what we are weak in is the only way we can truly grow as individuals. This knowledge helps us to achieve the goals we set for ourselves in life. Through taking this personal inventory of my strength and weaknesses, I have determined what I need to do not only to better understand who I am, but how to improve my life. In order to assess my strength, Skill audits assessment has shown me where I can play to my strengths, and bring in others to fill my weaknesses. ( Marcus Buckingham (, a bestselling author and business consultant, defines strengths and weaknesses by the emotions that they evoke. Paraphrasing, he states: Strength is something that makes you feel stronger after you complete the task. It energizes you.  A weakness, on the other hand, is something that physically drains you- in other words, you may very well be good at a particular task or skill, yet when you complete it, it leaves you more tired than when you started. ( I would like to show evaluation of my strengths and weaknesses below on the basis of the skills audit which is finished and submitted: Communication:- Any act by which one person gives to or receives from another person information about that persons needs, desires, perceptions, knowledge, or affective states. Communication may be intentional or unintentional, may involve conventional or unconventional signals, may take linguistic or non-linguistic forms, and may occur through spoken or other modes. ( I consider as strength my communication because I communicate effectively with the guest, colleagues and my managers. I understand the guest need either speaking or in writing. And I deliver the service according their need. As I work in Room Service so most of the time I communicate to the guest via phone. My colleagues and managers understand clearly what I am trying to say to them and there is more verbal communication than writing in my job profile and have never misunderstandings in communication with my colleagues and guests. Sometimes I write emails and reports effectively to my manager so it shows that I communicate effectively. Working with Others:- A tight knit team is a group of competent individuals who care deeply about each other. They are fiercely committed to their mission, and are highly motivated to combing their energy and expertise to achieve a common objective. ( Usually I worked in Room Service. But I helped in the restaurants and bar as team member. I have always enjoyed working within a team of individuals that have come together to be more productive. Since joining the hotel, the experience of working within a team has enhanced my ability to work with others in a wide variety of situations. I often provide assistance to fellow employees when they are in bind. I am appreciated by my peers for always lending a helping hand when needed. If someone criticised me I have accepted because it helped me to learn from criticism because you wont do same mistake again next time. I always kept me looking for the opportunity to be involved in a productive team. Improving Own Learning and Performance:- I have handled my studies, part time job and social life because my college attendance 95% and I never got late to my job and social life is fine as well. As I worked in R/S alone without any supervisor but I worked in restaurant and bar as well at the same time. It shows us that I performer several task and I have ability to work alone. I always plan my own work and completed my work within deadlines. Sometimes, I achieved my goals but most of time I didnt achieve goal due to no time management and other reasons. But unfortunately I never got any delegate task. I always am willing to learn from my studies, managers, colleague and work. Therefore, I am able do multitasking job in F B depts. Problem Solving:- Problem solving is a set of activities designed to analyze a situation Systematically and generate, implement and evaluate solutions.( some time I have to dealt with awkward guests so, first it is necessary to understand the guest that what the guest is wanting and accordingly I deliver the service/solution to, while keep in mind my hotel policies and values. It is important to keep you calm in under pressure because it gives you strength to handle the situation effectively. It is important to identify the problem carefully and to think about best solution with alternative solution as well before you take any action or decision because it gives you more choices of solution to help you making good decision. I made good decision most of time but when I took wrong decisions then I tried to learn from them and converted into right decision. I consider problem solving is my strength. Application of Numbers:- it is necessary to make the appropriate calculations or interpret data when serving customers because it helps you to understand how many customer are coming to your restaurant and you make yourself ready accordingly in terms of Mise n place. Sometimes I do breakfast shift and I calculate early in the morning from the room occupancy/ guest list that how many guest will do breakfast today then I tell to chefs and they cook the breakfast according to the no. of guest which saves the energy and food wastage. I believe that its one of my strength. Information Technology Proficiency:- Information Technology (IT) has not left untouched most aspects of our business and life. Therefore it is necessary to have knowledge of IT for everyone in competitive world. I consider IT as strength of mine because I am very proficient while using Microsoft office and PMS. I know how to create chart and tables on MS Office. I use IT for making report, presentation, writing Email to guest, order taking, billing etc. Motivation:- Internal and external  factors  that stimulate desire and  energy  in people to be continually interested in and committed to a  job,  role, or  subject, and to exert persistent effort in attaining a  goal. ( I am very motivated personally as well as professionally. It helps me to achieve the goals. I always try to learn new things from my manager and colleagues. I work every shift according to the Rota. I always show positive attitude to my managers. I believe in honesty and hard work which make me stronger at work. Flexibility and Adaptability:- A role with flexible boundaries can be enacted in various settings and at various times (Ashforth, Kreiner,   Fugate, 2000, p. 474) another one of my strengths is my ability to adapt to nearly any type of environment, which allows me the flexibility to be comfortable talking to many different levels of people. I always shows can do attitude to my manager and keep positive attitude to work at any time and any place. I work according to Rota whether its morning or evening or night shifts. I learn new things being flexible and adaptable at workplace. Leadership:- Warren Bennis definition of leadership is focused much more on the individual capability of the leader : Leadership is a function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential. ( I do leadership sometimes but not often. Actually I do supervising in breakfast shift. I take responsibility my own work, whether its correct or not. Whenever, new entrants join the restaurant or R/S. I always approach and try to help effectively to new colleagues when they needed. I believe that leadership is my strength as well. Creativity Initiative Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create, to bring into existence, to invest with a new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make or bring into existence something new.  ( I am creative and take initiative at work place. I like to give new ideas to my supervisor and managers. I have taken initiative to change my Room Service menu. I got an opportunity to rectify the breakfast setup. And I took initiative to set right setup of breakfast, lunch and dinner in R/S which was appreciated by my managers. Self Confidence:- Giacomo Casanova states that   It is only necessary to have courage, for strength without self-confidence is useless. ( I am highly confident personally as well as professionally to talk and handle the customers. I got appreciation on comment card by guest so many times. I am confident enough to talk diplomatic way with my colleagues and managers when needed. On the other hand, I consider judgement and sensitive issues as a weakness due to lack of experience because sometimes I could not able to take right judgement. I couldnt able deal with sensitive issue. My time management skill is my greatest weaknesses because I know that this causes me great stress in my professional life. I often tend to stay up all night late. This leads to some fairly exhausted day. The home environment is just full of distraction, which cause me to procrastinate. There is always a reason to watch television, spend time with my friends, clean the house etc. My other negative trait would be that I likely to be a perfectionist. When I do things I do them in such a methodical way that I am not satisfied until they are just right in my eyes. When working on group project, I sometimes get frustrated when other does not put forth the same level of effort that I do. Often I find myself losing patience with those who dont share my same ideas. Conclusion Research has shown that life is a learning experience. The strengths and weaknesses I have discussed are part of what makes me an individual. By identifying them, I am able devise a plan to improve my areas of weakness, while using my strength to my advantage. My objective is that through reinforcing my strengths and overcoming my weaknesses, I will be more successful in both my personal and professional life. Recommendation I would like to recommend myself that I should have to check my strength and weaknesses time to time in order to check my strength and weaknesses in order to achieve my goals. I should set a personal goal aimed toward correcting my weaknesses. I should decide to work on my time management skills. I should plan to start this process by pushing myself to dedicate more of my free time to college work. This is the area that is most negatively affected by my delay needlessly. I will also try to be more effective in the way I manage my schedule at work. I should plan to work on my patience and understanding of others different styles and perspectives. Last, I should work on my judgement as well.